On a file convert, I am receiving:
%SORT-I-OPENOUT, error opening filename; as output
-RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed
-SYSTEM-W-HEADERFUL, file header is full
What would be the best way to analyze and correct this problem?
$ help /message HEADERFUL
HEADERFULL, file header is full
Facility: SYSTEM, System Services
Explanation: The file header map area on the volume is full and cannot
be extended. This error occurs only when the file header
extension is inhibited, for example, when the index file is
being extended.
User Action: Compress the volume by copying it with BACKUP.
So, you have two options:
(1) backup / restore the volume with BACKUP, or
(2) use POLYCENTER File Optimizer for OpenVMS which
can compress INDEXF.SYS