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Ask the Wizard Questions

Update: Wrong ACP

The Question is:

I have been trying to upgrade an antiquated VMS 5.2
machine (a Vaxstation 3500) to run VMS 5.5.  As we have a
site license for VMS I tried what I thought was a simple solution
and copied the system from a machine already running VMS 5.5.

Things seem to be OK after I fixed up the node specific
stuff but I now get the queue manager hanging when it is started
or when a job is submitted to it.

The operator log messages are as follows:

%QMAN-E-COMMERROR, unexpected error #5 in communicating with node CSID 00000000
-SYSTEN-F-WRONGACP, wrong ACP for device

The first message is not listed in my system messages
document and I haven't got the faintest where the CSID 00000000
comes from.  DECNET starts fine so the networking host info
is mostly correct.

What is QMAN trying to do?


The Answer is:

   Assuming you do not want to (or need to) preserve the existing
   queue definitions -- that the startup files are set up to create
   the queue definitions if necessary, simply reinitialize the queue
   manager database and recreate the necessary batch, print and server
   queues.  See START/QUEU/MAN/NEW.

   The queue manager uses SCS information to keep track of queues
   across a VMScluster, and it would appear the queue database here
   contains "stale" SCS information, information associated with the
   old environment.

   My tendency here is to use the /ON qualifier on the INIT/QUEUE/START
   commands, and always passing in the current SCS nodename value -- the
   value retrieved via a f$getsyi("SCSNODE") specification.  This ensures
   that the correct (current) node information is always specified.  Each
   node -- standalone or present in a VMScluster -- issues the queue
   commands associated with queues local to itself, using this syntax.