I am porting or integrating C code to be
run on Digitall UNIX and AXP OpenVMS 6.2.
What I want is to continue using the following
piece of C code on the OpenMVS side.
if ((waitpid = vfor()) == 0)
execv("FORTRAN/par1/par2", argv)
The important thing in here is with vfork I am loosing
my command table where the FORTRAN verb is located.
How do I created my own command table that I can pass
using vfork and execv.
This is very important since is a major effort to
port software accross Digital platforms.
Thank you very much for your info.
The Answer is:
Use LIB$SPAWN instead of execv. If necessary, revector the execv
call with a macro and jacket routine. LIB$SPAWN, by default, will use
the command table of the parent process. It also has an argument which
will allow you to specify a particular command table for the subprocess
to use.