When you logout of VMS by typing 'lo' from the '$' prompt
the user is logged out and the following logout message
is displayed:
'SYSTEM logged out at 3-APR-1996 15:28:58.02'
I would like to be able to change this message to
something else, say:
'Thanks for using me. See you later, DUMMY'
If it is possible to do that, how is it
done? Thanks.
Can I change the logout message?
The short and easy answer is no. You can't change that message.
However, there are a few thing that you could do to have a message of
your own printed out.
The simplest way is to redefine the meaning of the symbol lo*gout to
execute a command procedure that will print out the message.
At the end of the command procedure a "stop/id=0" will kill the process
without the original message. However, this method will not work
against somebody doing a "stop/id=0" since the command procedure will
never get executed.
To solve this problem, you would have to get into adding a process
rundown handler which would catch the process as it is dying and do
something. For more information on this, refer to the Internals & Data
Structures book.