Forgive me - I am a DEC virgin!
I have a customer who is using VMS with a DECNet
network. The hardware is Alpha based.
We want to set up a simple batch file transfer operation
to a second server system, either Windows or Unix based,
preferably on x86. This second system will act as a
gateway to an information service, connected over a WAN.
The requirement is basically for files created on the
VMS system in nominated directories to be picked up by
some sort of polling process, and transferred to the
gateway machine. Similarly, files created on the gateway
need to be returned to VMS.
I am looking for some sort of software product to do
this. Is there anything like NFS or FTP available for
VMS/DECNe?. Could the gateway perhaps operate dual
protocol stacks, and run DECNet and TCP/IP side by side?
Any suggestions gratefully received!!
Most recent Alpha systems include a license for Digital TCP/IP Services
(UCX), and UCX includes FTP. With V6.2 of OpenVMS and V3.2 or later of
UCX, one also has access to DCL commands such as COPY/FTP.
Ethernet networks and OpenVMS systems both support multiple protocols,
and OpenVMS supports multiple protocols over a single controller.
Polling in DCL can be as simple as
$ COPY/FTP fromspec tospec
$ WAIT sleeptime