cplusplus.com > reference > iostream library > ifstream
File input stream class

Standard hierarchy


Public member functions:

ifstream members:
(constructor)Construct an object and optionally open a file.
rdbufGet the filebuf object associated with the stream.
is_openCheck if a file has been opened.
openOpen a file.
closeClose an open file.
members inherited from istream:
operator>>Perform formatted input operation (extraction)
gcountGet number of characters extracted by last unformatted input operation
getExtract unformatted data from stream
getlineGet a line from stream
ignoreExtract and discard characters
peekPeek next character
putbackPut the last character back to stream
readRead a block of data
readsomeRead a block of data
seekgSet position of the get pointer
syncSyncronize stream's buffer with source of characters
tellgGet position of the get pointer
ungetMake last character got from stream available again
members inherited from ios:
operator void *Convert stream to pointer.
operator !Evaluate stream object.
badCheck if an unrecoverable error has occurred.
clearSet control states.
copyfmtCopy formatting information.
eofCheck if End-Of-File has been reached.
exceptionsGet/set the exception mask.
failCheck if failure has occurred.
fillGet/set the fill character.
goodCheck if stream is good for i/o operations.
imbueImbue locale.
narrowNarrow character.
rdbufGet/set the associated streambuf object.
rdstateGet control state.
setstateSet control state.
tieGet/set the tied stream.
widenWiden character.
members inherited from ios_base:
flagsGet/set format flags.
getlocGet current locale.
imbueImbue locale.
iwordGet reference to a long element of the internal extensible array.
precisionGet/set floating-point decimal presision.
pwordGet reference to a void* element of the internal extensible array.
register_callbackRegister event callback function.
setfSet some format flags.
sync_with_stdioActivates / Deactivates synchronization with cstdio functions. [static]
unsetfClear format flag.
widthGet/set field width.
xallocReturn a new index for the internal extensible array. [static]


  ifstream class provides a stream interface to read data from files.
  The class mantains internally (privately) a pointer to a filebuf object in charge of the interaction with the file. This pointer can be obtained/modified by calling member rdbuf.
  The file to be processed can be specified as a parameter for the constructor or by calling member open.
  After a file is processed it can be closed by calling member close. In this case the file stream may be used to open another file.
  Member is_open can be used to determine wether the stream is currently operating on a file or not.
  Please refer to parent classes for more details on information mantained by an ifstream object.

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