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Grand Finals Winners
Phase IV Winners
Best Assault
AS-Thrust 1st Place
AS-Jumpship 2nd Place
AS-Outback 3rd Place
AS-MZ-Highrise 4th Place
AS-Acatana 5th Place
1st Place - AS-Thrust

Launch and destroy a massive multi-stage space rocket on a sunset-lit tropical island. This level includes varying objectives, massive rocket blastoffs, intense vehicular combat and classic indoor assaulting opportunities.
AS-Thrust AS-Thrust
2nd Place - AS-Jumpship

During the height of the Corporation Wars, Liandri scientists created a prototype warship capable of making its own jumps without the need for a jumpgate. This scenario recreates the historic battle in which Izanagi forces infiltrated the prototype Liandri jumpship, activated its engines and made a successful jump to Izanagi space.
AS-Jumpship AS-Jumpship
3rd Place - AS-Outback

City slickers just snagged the Outback's top brewery, and now all our favorite grog's gone soft -- ! Get over there pronto and sort this thing out... before they turn all of OZ into one big ZERO!!
4th Place - AS-MZ-Highrise

HighRise is an assault scenario that pits the NEG against the Hellions in a battle for control of a sprawling communications tower facility. NEG must destroy the core of the facility using the modified explosive hellbender they possess to stop the Hellions. On the other side of the card, the Hellions must stop the NEG so that they can continue to use the facility to nefarious ends. A fast paced map best enjoyed with 12 – 16 players.
5th Place - AS-Acatana

This Assault scenario recreates the Skaarj attack on a remote weapons facility based on the barren planet Acatana. Beginning with a battle in space the attackers must then invade the facility on foot and steal the advanced weapons technology within.


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