DECstation 5000/260 ("4MAX+" )

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General Technical Information

SYSTEM CPU MIPS R4400SC @60 MHz  (CPU internal clock 120 MHz)
CACHE (2nd, 1st D/I) 1 MB, 16 KB / 16 KB
RAM  480 MB  (Max. 480 MB)
SCSI BUS 1 x SCSI-2 (5 MB/s)
OPTION BUS 3 x TurboChannel slots running @25MHz
GRAPHICS PMAG-F 96-plane 1280x1024 @66Hz
HARD DISK DRIVE 9.1 GB 7200 RPM (in external BA42 box)
CD-ROM DRIVE DEC RDD42 SCSI-1 2x (in external BA42 box)
NETWORK 10 Mbps AUI (onboard ethernet)
YEAR 1993
COMMENTS ULTRIX on this machine is very fast. The OS boots up in less than a minute. Useable with X11. The graphics board is very cool, it takes up 3 TC slots.
ESTIMATED PRICE '93 (excl. modern SCSI disk)
$70,000 (or even more, because high-end DECstations came with about 32MB RAM, and this system has maximum amount of RAM)

Bootlog Information

Ultrixboot - V4.5  Thu Sep 14 07:07:42 EDT 1995

Loading 3/rz2/vmunix ...

text = 1361568
data = 211648
bss  = 637808
Starting at 0x80030000

ULTRIX V4.5 (Rev. 47) System #1: Fri Jan  1 01:26:17 EET 1999
real mem = 134217728
avail mem = 116400128
using 3276 buffers containing 13418496 bytes of memory
DECstation 5000 Model 260
KN05 Processor - system rev 64
16Kb Primary Instruction Cache, 16Kb Primary Data Cache
1024Kb Secondary Cache
cpu0 ( version 4.0, implementation 4 )
fpu0 ( version 0.0, implementation 5 )
HBA 'PMAZ-BA ' and DME 'PMAZ-BA ' attached on Controller 0.
asc0 at ibus3
rz2 at asc0 slave 2 (IBM     DNES-309170W     SAH0)
rz5 at asc0 slave 5 (DEC     RRD42   (C) DEC  1.4a)
ln0 at ibus3
ln0: DEC LANCE Ethernet Interface, hardware address: 08:00:00:00:00:00
scc0 at ibus3
px0 at ibus1
pq0 (5x2 24+24+24+24 128KB)
Sun Nov 16 18:09:32 EET 2003

History and other comments

This /260 had been used as a file server and boot server for 4 diskless clients (3 x VXT2000 and 1 x DS2100). It was given to me for free, the summer of '99. Originally it came with a PMAGB-BA graphics card and 2 x BA42 Storage Expansion boxes (2 x RZ56, 1 x RZ55 and 1 x RZ26 disks). After getting to know this machine, I got interested in DEC hardware.

Later, the year 2001, I acquired a PMAG-F graphics board for the machine. If you havn't seen a *real* high-end 3D graphics board from the beginning of the 90's, then I suggest you take a look at the pictures of it! It has six huge video SIMMs, one RAMDAC chip and ASIC chip per color channel and even an extra Intel 80860 CPU, probably for the hardware acceleration. This cool graphics board cost about $12,000 back in '92.

The amount of installed memory has changed since I captured that boot log, in the end of 2003 around Christmas time I bought some more RAM for this system, I could fill it up to maximum. Hereby the "circle is closed". It's the best equipped, top-of-the-line DECstation system I could possibly have (without taking such special tricks like TurboChannel Extension option into consideration). This box has more than 10 times more RAM than most High-End workstation systems had at that time (1993) and it also has a very advanced 3D accelerator taking the time frame into consideration. In other words; Cool!

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Last updated:  2-1-2007