The links below will give you information about most of my collected computer systems:


Digital Equipment Corporation

DECstation 3100 "PMAX"   (no longer in my collection)

DECstation 5000 Model 33 "MAXINE"

DECstation 5000 Model 133 "3MIN"

DECstation 5000 Model 150 "4MIN"   (very special custom model, in ATX enclosure) *Pinout updated*

DECsystem 5000 Model 240 "3MAX+"

DECstation 5000 Model 260 "4MAX+"

DEC 3000 Model 300X "PELICAN+"   (no longer in my collection)

DEC 2000 Model 300 "JENSEN"

DEC 3000 Model 600S "SANDPIPER+"  *new*

DEC AlphaServer 300 4/266 "MUSTANG"   (no longer in my collection)

DEC AlphaStation 200 4/233 "MUSTANG"

DEC AlphaStation 500/266 "ALCOR"   (no longer in my collection)

DEC Alpha Personal Workstation 433a "MIATA"

DEC Alpha 164SX "164SX"

DEC Alpha XL266 "XL"   (no longer in my collection)

VAXstation 2000 "VAXSTAR"

VAXstation 3100 Model 30 "PVAX" and another one

VAXstation 4000 VLC "PVAX2" and another one

VAXstation 4000 M60 "PMARIAH"  (no longer in my collection)

VAXstation 4000 M90A "COUGAR"   *new*

DEC PDP-11/24 "FONZ"

DECpc 466D2LP

Silicon Graphics

SGI Indigo2 Impact

SGI Indy

SGI Challenge S Series   (no longer in my collection)


SGI Octane   (no longer in my collection)

SGI Octane2

Sun Microsystems

Sun 3/60 

Sun SPARCstation 1+   (no longer in my collection)

OEM SPARCstation 2

Sun SPARCserver 1000

Sun Ultra 10 Elite 3D   (no longer in my collection)

Sun Blade 100


HP 9000 Model C3600  

HP 9000 Model 710

HP 9000 Model 712/80   (no longer in my collection)

HP 9000 Model 735/125 

HP 9000 Model 735/99

HP 9000 Model 425e


IBM RS/6000 Model 7011/25E

IBM RS/6000 Model 7012/34H

IBM PC Convertible


Apple Macintosh IIsi

Apple Mac Mini

Apple Mac iBook 12"   (no longer in my collection)

Apple MacBook Pro 15.4"   *new*

Other manufacturers

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ deskside tower

AMD 486DX5 '5x86' desktop tower

OPTI 486DX desktop   *new*

AMD Athlon 64 3000+ server tower

Philis NMS 8250 MSX2

Toshiba Satellite 200CDT   (no longer in my collection)

Commodore PC 20-III

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Last updated:  13-11-2007