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Component Repair

Component Repair provides a money saving alternative to maintaining your own repair facility. Outsourcing repair activities to Compaq minimizes your investments - while assuring you state-of-the-art process and skills. Component Repair ensures timely, quality repairs of defective parts for virtually any computer product or peripheral -- from video terminals to laptops to printers. This highly customized offering can be tailored to meet your specific business and technical requirements.

You can turn to Compaq worldwide repair operations for all your repair activities, or on an as needed basis. Alternatively, you can rely on proven expertise to help you establish your own repair facility. Service providers who want to expand their offerings can draw on vast experience and expertise to create a full-functional repair organization.

Defective items are repaired or refurbished according to agreed upon specifications. Once the parts are received at a designated repair facility, Compaq handles all logistics support, including tracking, scheduling, and movement of material needed for repair. Repaired parts are packaged and shipped back to you within a pre-determined timeframe.

Exhaustive testing based on your specifications ensure satisfactory performance. In addition, Failure Analysis reports will help identify the cause of the product failures which enables you to make critical design change decision.

Repair parts can be packaged according to your specifications and marked with your logo as appropriate.

Material purchases can be handled in one of three ways:

  • You consign the material to Compaq
  • Compaq purchases material from vendors you designate
  • Compaq purchases material from its own sources.

Reports on your repair activities can be custom tailored to your needs. Information that facilitates warranty tracking can be provided on a regular basis.

For more information, contact your local Compaq customer services sales specialist.


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