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Computer Asset Recovery Services (CARS)

Integrated processes maximize value through environmentally safe disposition and recovery.

Realize the maximum value from systems & peripherals when you upgrade or replace them. Also, be assured - INDEMNIFIED - that they are disposed in the safest way possible - since many products contain toxic and environmentally harmful materials.

COMPAQ Computer Asset Recovery Services (CARS) serve as a single, convenient, responsible source for disposition of ANY BRAND of computer-related equipment and capabilities address:

  • Transportation coordination
  • Acceptance of ownership, releasing you from potential liability
  • Strict accountability and disposition tracking reports
  • Quality, optimum results involving certified ISO Processes
  • Providing recovery and maximizing returns whenever possible
  • Worldwide capabilities in accordance with local regulations.

This unique approach to idle, excess, and used equipment delivers the best value and recovery for you through our established processes. Depending on product type, COMPAQ step process provides:

  • Remarketing - reselling equipment in the secondary marketplace
  • Refurbishing - remanufacturing equipment for return to you or remarketing
  • Recovery of parts - product de-manufacturing for parts resale
  • Recycling - environmentally proper processing/disposition.

You can now dispose of idle, excess, and used computer-related equipment and:

  • Share in the returns
  • Maximize the returns with larger quantities
  • Dispose of obsolete equipment in an environmentally proper manner.

COMPAQ Computer Asset Recovery Services is able to process almost any category of computer-related materials. Call the Computer Asset Recovery Services access line at
1-800-580-7370 and select option 1.

Transforming Yesterday's Investments Into Today's Revenue

All that computer equipment was the latest, the fastest, the best performing, and more when you bought it a few years ago.

Now, it's two...maybe even three generations behind.

So, you've decided to buy whole new systems, mainly because it would cost you more to upgrade what you've got.

Question is, what do you do with the old stuff - that growing inventory of surplus, idle, excess, and used equipment?

Very often, the answer is COMPAQ Computer Asset Recovery Services - a turnkey solution that provides you with maximum value for your surplus equipment AND environmentally responsible disposition.

Addressing All The Issues

COMPAQ has the expertise, experience, and proven capabilities to deliver a turnkey solution.

Today, old equipment is a major problem.

You don't want the expense of maintaining it or the inconvenience of storing it. But you probably don't have the resources to dispose of it in an environmentally sound way...or to make sure you've addressed all the issues to eliminate potential liability down the road.

That's why you should consider outsourcing the entire disposition process. That's also why you should consider COMPAQ.

COMPAQ can serve as a single, convenient, responsive source for disposition for ANY BRAND of computer or computer-related equipment. We offer comprehensive capabilities that address all the issues, including:

  • Coordinating transportation from your facility to our Resource Recovery Center (RRC)
  • Providing acceptance of ownership and Superfund/RCRA indemnification that releases you from potential liability arising from the disposition of the equipment
  • Ensuring strict accountability by providing you with highly detailed reports of equipment received and its disposition
  • Delivering quality and optimum results with all activities performed using efficient and well-proven manufacturing processes [which are ISO 9000 certified]
  • Providing for recovery and return when requested.

COMPAQ Computer Asset Recovery Services are delivered consistently worldwide in conformance with all applicable local legislation and regulations.

Multiplying Your Options

With COMPAQ, you select the solution that's best for you ... and the environment.

COMPAQ provides a unique way to deal with your surplus, idle, excess, and used equipment. Unlike previous approaches that offered only disposition or limited recovery options, COMPAQ step process provides a number of options, depending on product type.

As a result, we can select the option - or combination of options - that delivers the best value for you, including:

  • Remarketing - reselling the equipment in the secondary marketplace
  • Remanufacturing - refurbishing your equipment for return to you or for remarketing
  • Parts Recovery - breaking down products for parts (i.e., EPROMs, DRAMs, etc.) and reselling the parts in the secondary marketplace
  • Recycling - environmentally proper disassembly and disposition of left over commodities.

The processes we use are so efficient that less than one half of 1% of returned material goes to landfills. This means minimum waste AND maximum value on every piece of equipment you send to COMPAQ.

Maximizing Your Return

Flexible cost structures with full accountability make the COMPAQ asset recovery and recycling services attractive, as well as effective.

COMPAQ makes it extremely attractive to take advantage of our comprehensive capabilities. Our ability to attract major, large volume corporate customers helps us reduce costs and realize economies of scale which we pass on to you.

For large contracts, COMPAQ offers a net revenue sharing arrangement under an agreement which outlines the asset recovery services which you require.

We then perform the services according to the agreement and share the proceeds we receive from recycling, reselling, and/or refurbishing your equipment with you.

Because of COMPAQ capabilities, volume, and marketplace presence, we can often discover opportunities for profitable recoveries that would be unavailable to smaller organizations.

For example, plastic from computer and monitor casings is reformulated for use as roof shingles and siding for a major fast food restaurant chain. Chips lifted from boards can be sold at premium prices because of the quality processes used.

Once again, COMPAQ capabilities translate into less waste and a greater return for you.

We can also accommodate small transactions with an affordable, fee-based service.

Knowing the Ropes

Our experience, reputation, and accountability procedures create a strong competitive advantage.

For over 8 years Digital, now COMPAQ, has provided high quality, responsive, results-oriented asset recovery services for customers worldwide. We offer capabilities that no competitor can match including:

  • Modern facilities dedicated entirely to asset recovery services
  • Global capabilities to meet your asset recovery challenges anywhere in the world
  • A commitment to quality and performance. We consistently deliver maximum value for your equipment
  • Strict accountability with detailed paper trails showing exactly what happened to your equipment
  • Compliance with federal, state, and local regulations for environmental protection
  • A commitment to YOUR satisfaction through high levels of accountability, effective business controls, and revenue sharing whenever possible.

That's why we have a customer list that no competitor can match, including such environmentally committed companies as Raytheon Corporation and Baxter Healthcare. Not surprisingly, COMPAQ itself has consistently championed environmental issues and was recently named to the Fortune Magazine list of America's ten corporate environmental leaders.

For More Information

Computer Asset Recovery Services are one of the many services provided by COMPAQ Customer Services (CCS) business. CCS provides the most comprehensive support for planning, procuring, implementing, maintaining, and managing global, multivendor information technology environments.

For more information on Computer Asset Recovery Services, call 1-800-580-7370 and select option 1.

Your local COMPAQ Customer Services Sales Specialist can also provide complete information on these and other COMPAQ CCS services.


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