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Policy for Reproduction of Compaq Copyrighted Publications


Customers who require an alternative method of providing hardware manuals, diagnostic documentation and copyrighted diagnostics are eligible to purchase authorization totally reproduce the items. The rights granted will not include the right to copy restricted documentation, software media, micro form products.

Terms and Conditions

Compaq Computer Corporation (Compaq) and Purchaser agree that the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall be effective only upon execution by both parties; shall govern the reproduction of copyrighted material (Documentation); and shall only apply to a single purchase order as described in Paragraph 5, Ordering Procedures, below. Reproduction of Documentation may only be made during the one (1) year term commencing on the Effective Date hereof.

1. Purchaser

Purchaser for the purposes of the Agreement is a single business entity (excluding subsidiaries, corporate parent and affiliated subsidiaries) at a single buying location.

2. Documentation

The right to copy is limited to hardcopy manuals, software manuals and engineering drawings (with the purchase of aperture cards, contact positives, 11X17 negatives or mylar washoffs), and PDP-11 Diagnostics. The rights granted do not include the right to copy restricted Documentation (i.e., "Company Confidential," "Compaq Use Only," etc.) software media or micro form. Purchaser, as an OEM of Compaq, may transfer copies of the Documentation in the ordinary course of such business, to its customers. Otherwise, such right to copy is limited to use by and distribution to employees of the Purchaser and no rights are granted to reproduce Documentation for sale to any other party.

3. Prices

Prices shall be based upon the list price as specified in the applicable Price List prevailing at the time Compaq accepts an order on an authorized quotation in force at the time Compaq accepts the applicable order. Prices for the right to copy Documentation shall be equal to twenty five percent (25%) of such list prices. Prices for the Documentation to be copied shall be equal to such list prices. Prices for PDP-11 Diagnostics shall be fixed price (not based on media and number of copies requested).

4. Ordering Procedures

The Purchaser shall attach to the executed Agreement a purchase order specifying the Documentation to be copied by part number and title; the maximum quantity to be copied, the list price of each Documentation and the net price to be paid. Such purchase order shall also specify any Documentation to be purchased by part number, title, list price, and net price. The minimum number of copies per Documentation shall not be less than twenty (20). No credit shall be made for unused Documentation or rights to copy.

5. Payment

Net 30 (thirty) days from date of invoice from Compaq. Payment shall be based upon the Documentation and number of copies ordered.

6. Delivery

Any deliveries requested shall be FOB original. Compaq reserves the right to make partial deliveries.

7. Taxes

Prices are exclusive of, and purchaser is responsible for, all sales, use, and like taxes.

8. Copyright Legends

On the first page of each reproduced copy of the Documentation, the purchasers shall include a Compaq copyright notice as follows:

"Copyright © (year) Compaq Computer Corporation Reproduced under Agreement Number (the number of the agreement) granted by Compaq Computer Corporation.

NOTE: The year in the above notice is the year appearing in the copyright reservation notice in the Documentation to be copied.

9. Assignment

Either party may terminate the Agreement or any orders by notice sent registered mail if the other party (a) assigned this Agreement or any of its rights or (b) neglects or fails to substantially perform or observe any of its obligations, unless the cause for termination is remedied within thirty (30) days. Notwithstanding the above, any obligations which attach prior to such termination shall survive any such termination.

10. Audits

The Purchaser shall keep accurate records of the number of copies made for each publication under the Agreement and upon request by Compaq shall furnish a copy of the records certified by an authorized representative of the Purchaser.

Where an end-user or OEM has a legitimate need to reproduce copyrighted Compaq hardware documentation, or copyrighted diagnostics which do not require a software license, a reproduction agreement is available for purchase from Compaq. These reasons include:

  • translation to a foreign language;

  • incorporation or adaption into a unique customer format;

  • only limited portions of the publication are to be reproduced;

  • urgent need Compaq cannot fulfill.

Reproduction Agreements are available to end-users and OEMs for the sole purpose of supporting products owned or distributed by the end-user or OEM.

The rights granted will not include the right to copy restricted documentation, licensed software, or micro form products.

The requester will determine the quantity needed of the particular publications(s) (minimum quantity 20). Compaq, in turn, grants a a license to copy to the publication (s). The requester may, within a one year period, reproduce the documentation, in whole or in part, up to the specified quantity. The terms and conditions of this agreement can be found in the Policy for Reproduction of Compaq Copyrighted Publications.

The royalty fee paid to Compaq is twenty-five percent of the list price of the publication multiplied by the quantity to be reproduced.

$10.00 (Manual List Price) X 100 (Quantity) = $1000.00 (Total List Price) $1000.00 (Total List Price) X 25% = $250.00 (Net Price)

NOTE: You must purchase the initial copy of any manual/media that you are planning to reproduce.

No other discounts or pricing adjustments apply.

Submit request to:

Part Number Assistance TAY2-2/N9
Compaq Computer Corporation
153 Taylor Street
Littleton, MA, U.S.A. 04160

or by Fax: 1-800-234-2298


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