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Diagnostic Software License Policy

I. Objective

To explain the provisions enabling Compaq customers with the ability to use off-line, loadable diagnostics.

II. Scope

All Compaq Multivendor Customer Services

III. Policy Statement

It is of Compaq policy to control the use of and access to proprietary diagnostic software.

A. Detail

1. Source Code

Source Code for Compaq proprietary diagnostic software, whether in human- or machine-readable form, is not sold, licensed, nor otherwise distributed without prior approval of the Corporate Vice President for Multivendor Customer Services.

2. Object Code

Object code, in binary form, for Compaq proprietary diagnostic software is available for sale or license, as applicable, under Compaq standard terms and conditions of sale and service. Certain limitations apply to Compaq licensed trade secret diagnostic software (see Paragraph 3).

3. Licensed (Trade Secret) Diagnostics - VAX-11 Family, VAX BI Family, DECsystem 10/20, MicroVAX).

  • Licensed diagnostics are trade secrets of Compaq Computer Corporation and are made available solely for a Licensee's use in maintaining the specified computer system. They always remain the exclusive property of Compaq.
  • Licensed Diagnostics are made available only to owners, lessees and end-users of corresponding Compaq computer systems under a license to install and use the diagnostics only on a single CPU as identified by its individual CPU serial number.
  • Licensed diagnostics left on customer's site for use by Compaq Services personnel may not be used or copied by the customer unless the customer has been appropriately licensed by Compaq. Upon completion or termination of Compaq on-site service obligations (e.g., Installation, Warranty, or Service Agreement), the diagnostic software must be physically removed from the customer's site by Compaq personnel. Diagnostics for which the customer has purchased a license will not be removed.
  • Licensed diagnostics that are accessed by customers while attending Compaq Customer Maintenance Training may not be copied or removed by the customer from the training site.
  • To control distribution and maintain security of its trade secret diagnostic software, Compaq only licenses such diagnostic software to owners, lessees or end-users who have physical control of the system on which the diagnostics are installed and who respect the proprietary and confidential nature of the diagnostics and do not misuse them.
  • Compaq does not license its trade secret diagnostic software to brokers for resale or to independent maintenance suppliers for use on their customer's systems. However, Compaq licensee may permit its employees and agents to use diagnostic software on a designated computer system on the licensee's behalf.
  • Compaq diagnostic software licenses are issued to the customer division, subsidiary, or organization specified on the license invoice, license certificate, or other license document. Each subsidiary or division is eligible to purchase "License Only" rights-to-copy software provided under a license previously purchased by the subsidiary or division.

Compaq diagnostic software licenses are issued to federal, state or local government user activities (e.g., Base, Facility, University, Department) specified on the license invoice, license certificate, or other license document. Each user activity is eligible to purchase "License Only" rights-to-copy software provided under a license previously purchased by the use activity.

4. CPU Model Licensing - VAX-11 Models (700 Series), 8600/8650, DECsystem 10/20

  • VAX diagnostic software is not interchangeable among the various VAX-11 CPU models. Consequently, VAX-11 diagnostic licenses are not interchangeable among these models. An appropriate license/media must be purchased for each initial CPU model. RTU licenses must be purchased for each additional VAX-11 CPU of the same model.
  • VAX Models 4000, 5000, 6000, 82/8300, 8500, 8700, 8800, 9000, DECsystem 5000 and MicroVAX. An end-user intending to maintain various CPU models must purchase a license for each CPU. In addition, a customer must purchase the appropriate media/documentation kit for the initial CPU.

5. Dual Processor Licensing

Dual processors are functionally a single CPU and require a single license. The appropriate diagnostic license is determined by the basic model diagnostic support required. For example, a VAX-11/782 System is comprised of two VAX-11/780 CPUs and therefore requires a single VAX-11/780 Diagnostic License. Two CPUs operating in parallel (one being a backup) require two licenses. If multiple processor CPUs are reconfigured into stand-alone systems, each CPU requires a license.

6. Cluster Licensing

Since many of the diagnostic programs for each CPU model are functionally different and operate under unique diagnostic supervisors, each CPU within a "CLUSTER" must be individually licensed. There are no provisions for "cluster licensing" of multiple model types within a cluster.

7. Personal Computers

Diagnostic software for personal computers (e.g., Professional 300 Series) is included in the Country Kit for the personal computer and distributed directly to customers with a personal computer Software Product License. This personal computer single-use end-user license permits the customer to transfer the software (including the diagnostics) with the personal computer to another party provided the customer properly notifies Compaq. The customer accepts the license terms when the seal on the box of software is broken (this is Compaq standard practice for personal computer software).

8. Sublicensing and License Transfer

  • A sublicense contains the same rights and responsibilities as a direct license from Compaq. In accordance with the terms of its Compaq Authorized Reseller Agreement, an OEM who purchases computer systems and appropriate diagnostic licenses may sublicensed the diagnostic software to its end-user.

    a. An OEM must always obtain a signed sublicense agreement from its customer for the sublicense to be valid.

    b. An OEM may not sublicense diagnostic software to a customer to which the OEM has not sold a corresponding hardware system.

  • A license transfer by an end-user is required to transfer software to another user as part of a system sale or transfer.

    a. Compaq must approve the transaction before the software is transferred.

    b. The new customer/licensee must sign a Compaq license agreement and be registered by Compaq before software may be transferred.

9. Copyrighted Diagnostics

  • Diagnostic software for certain hardware systems (for example, PDP-8 and PDP-11) is protected by copyright and does not require the purchase of a single-use, end-user license. U.S. copyright laws prohibit the customer from making copies of copyrighted software programs except for archival purposes, or to utilize the software on a single system.
  • It is of Compaq intentions in making these diagnostics vailable to its customers that they may be used on a single system at a time and not be reproduced. Accordingly, customers may not make copies for use on multiple systems or for further distribution without express reproduction authorization from Compaq (see Reproduction Agreement).
  • Copyrighted diagnostic software may be provided by Compaq directly to customers with their systems or may be purchased separately under Compaq standard terms and conditions.
  • Reproduction of Copyrighted Documentation and Copyrighted Diagnostics: An end-user or OEM with a reasonable need to reproduce copyrighted Compaq hardware or software documentation or copyrighted diagnostic software may purchase a Reproduction Agreement from
  • Compaq.

10. Warranty

Diagnostic software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Compaq does not warrant that the execution of diagnostic software shall be uninterrupted or error-free.

IV. Policy Implementation

A. Definitions

Diagnostics - Computer programs that recognize, identify and locate faults in equipment and indicate a need for repairs.

Diagnostic Subscription Update Service - A means to ensure license holders keeping diagnostic software current with their system hardware and software. Compaq provides an annual Diagnostic Subscription Update Service for purchase. The service provides selected media updates as new "releases" become available. There is a separate service for each corresponding CPU model license. All VAXmicro and VAXmacro diagnostics are provided in single kit for each CPU model.


Compaq Property Rights Notice

The following notice is included in Compaq Standard Terms in the Service Materials section (Revision 1994).

"Compaq material's, including service tools, used in the performance of installation, warranty or other Services, which are delivered with Products or stored at Customer's site, remain the exclusive property of Compaq. Customer will provide secure storage facilities for such materials and will not use them or make them or any resultant diagnosis or system management data available to other parties without Compaq prior written consent. Parts replaced by Compaq become the property of Compaq."

B. Reference Documents

Corporate Software License Policies

Corporate Policies Governing Business Relationships with Alliances, Distributors and Partners


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