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  Updated: 26 September 1997
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Information for native Alpha version Visual Basic 5 developers

Note This notice applies only to developers using the native Alpha version of Visual Basic 5, not the Intel version.

If you are a native Alpha version Visual Basic 5 (VB5) developer, you need a beta version of FX!32 that has support for Visual Basic controls. This beta is not generally available to the public, but is made available to VB5 developers as a special service. Please do not request this version of FX!32 if you are not a VB5 developer. Control support will be available in the final release of FX!32 version 1.2.

If you are a VB5 developer, please send us all of the following information:

Your name

Your Company's name

Your Company's address

Your telephone number

Your email address

To email the above information to us, click here. When we receive your request, we will send you a copy of the beta version of FX!32 that contains support for the native Alpha version of Visual Basic 5.

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