How to route a print job

From: arun sanghvi <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 15:54:04 -0400

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Subject: Script for printer load balancing
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Hi Arun,

        Good luck,


Sridhar Chirravuri - OSF/Ultrix Support
Digital Equipment Corporation
Customer Support Center
5555 Windward Parkway West
Alpharetta, GA. 30201
1(800)354-9000 (Ext: 75386)

[Ultrix] How to efficiently utilize two printers in a heavy printing environment

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Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved.

PRODUCT: Ultrix 4.3

SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation


In a busy printing enviroment customer can efficiently use two printersi
using the script attached. While one of the printer is printing, the jobs can
be directed to the other print queue. Also, if printer 1 has more jobs
than printer 2 the jobs are routed to printer 2 and vice versa. (Notice
that this script considers the number of jobs only, it doesn't consider
how big a job and how long it may take to print on a printer etc. In a
typical situation a very large printjob can block the rest of print jobs
on a printer because of this routing policy). This script assumes that the
jobs are nearly equal in size/time of printing.


The following script can be used the solve the problem.

# /usr/lbin/busy_filter
cat - > /tmp/print$$
set LP1=`/usr/etc/lpc status lp1 | grep entries | cut -d' ' -f1`
set LP2=`/usr/etc/lpc status lp2 | grep entries | cut -d' ' -f1`
if ($LP1 == "no") then
        /usr/ucb/lpr -Plp1 /tmp/print$$
        rm /tmp/print$$
if ($LP2 == "no") then
        /usr/ucb/lpr -Plp2 /tmp/print$$;
        rm /tmp/print$$
if ($LP1 == $LP2) then
        /usr/ucb/lpr -Plp1 /tmp/print$$;
        rm /tmp/print$$
if ($LP1 < $LP2) then
        /usr/ucb/lpr -Plp1 /tmp/print$$;
        rm /tmp/print$$
if ($LP1 > $LP2) then
        /usr/ucb/lpr -Plp2 /tmp/print$$;
        rm /tmp/print$$
# Do the following.
# mkdir /usr/spool/lptest;
# chmod 755 /usr/spool/lptest
# chown daemon.daemon /usr/spool/lptest
# chmod 755 /usr/lbin/busy_filter
# chown bin.bin /usr/lbin/busy_filter
# The printcap entry for the lptest follows. Please remove the
# "#" infront of the lines and copy these lines to the /etc/printcap
# file and do a "kill -1 1" as super-user.
# :of=/usr/lbin/busy_filter:\
# :sd=/usr/spool/lptest:


This script has been developed as a favour to you and doesn't guarantee
support/further development. If you have any questions about this
script you have to proceed on your own. Digital doesn't support this
script as a part of any contract.
Received on Mon Jul 31 1995 - 22:07:24 NZST

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