[Q]uestion: ----------------------------------------------------------
We had a power outage yesterday. Our DEC Alpha 3000/300LX is on a
UPS backup system. However, about a half hour after the power
came back on I received:
vm_swap I/O error during page in
over and over again and the system automatically shutdown.
My question is, is this due to unknown cirumstances (power outage) or
something else. I just increased the swap parition last week to
1 GB. Do I need to edit the kernel configuration file for anything?
[S]olution: -----------------------------------------------------------
Thanks to all those who replied.
Paul E. Rockwell <rockwell_at_rch.dec.com>
Cenon B.C. Marana Jr. <bonn_at_durian.usc.edu.ph>
Ronald Ali-Khan <khan_at_informatik.fh-hamburg.de>
Hellebo Knut <bgk1142_at_bggfu2.nho.hydro.com>
All of their suggestions where helpful in checking for problems.
The main issue was finding if any problems were being reported.
> uerf -R checks the binary log file, no problems were found.
After consulting with the our tech guy, we determined this problem to be
related to the power switching from the line to UPS to line that occurred.
Most of our disks are external and therefore have additional power
supplies. Initially after powering up after the crash the system couldn't
pass the scsi startup test. After powering off/on again once again one
of the disks made some noise (like unlocking and spinning up to speed) and
then everything was okay. Perhaps the drive spun down during the power
switch and never startup up again? Still this is a mystery but
everything so far is running normally.
thanks again,
Greg Siekas
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Tulane University
email: siekas_at_mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu
Received on Wed Aug 02 1995 - 21:41:33 NZST