[Q] :
>I try to use a RX26-VA (plugged in a BA353 extension box) as a MS-DOS
>compatible floppy in order to exchange data with PC's (I know that ftp
>does exist but it is for convenience ... or intended to be so ;-)
>I have installed mtools version 2.0.7 along with the OSF patch
>summarized in this list by John Peden (on Nov 11th 94).
>I have also done cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV fd0
>which creates the fd0a, fd0c, rfd0a and rfd0c devices.
>When I launch, say, mdir, I get :
>init: open "/dev/rfd0c": No such device
>Do you have any clues ? What am I missing ? Does anyone of you has
>already sucessfully set up such a configuration ?
>I noticed that my mtools version is dated 1992, is it outdated or am I
>missing some others Alpha specific cludges ?
[A] :
As some of you pointed out, the floppy drive in the BA353 attached to my
Alpha Station 3000/600 is to be treated as a SCSI device, unlike those
floppies "built-in" the new PCI range of AlphaStations.
The number is 8 + rear switches code = 10
I had already configured the kernel for device rz10, but the declaration
in mtools's device.c file were wrong, they should have been :
#ifdef __alpha
struct device devices[] = {
{'A', "/dev/rrz10c", 0L, 12, 0, (int (*) ()) 0, 80, 2, 18},
{'A', "/dev/rrz10c", 0L, 12, 0, (int (*) ()) 0, 80, 2, 9},
{'\0', (char *) NULL, 0L, 0, 0, (int (*) ()) 0, 0, 0, 0}
#endif /* __alpha */
I had /dev/rfd0c instead of /dev/rrz10c, hence the problem !
Thanks for all who so fastly answered :
bernards_at_ECN.NL (Marcel A. Bernards)
chris_at_dexel.co.za (Chris Bamber)
eb_at_two-oo-one.fr (Erick Bizouarn)
golden_at_falcon.invincible.com (Dave)
mtools can be found at any GNU site and 2.0.7 seems to be ok
Herve DEMARTHE <demarthe_at_alpha.cad.cea.fr>
Received on Thu Aug 03 1995 - 18:51:22 NZST