I am having a problem following my OSF/1 upgrade from 2.X to 3.2A. I
configured the system files exactly as previously. The entry in the
/etc/fstab file for the NFS disk is like this:
/home_at_tvlsun /export/tvlsun/home nfs rw,bg 0 0
If tvlsun goes down, my system can't seems to handle it. Everything clags
up. Commands such as ls, ps, pwd, and more (regardless of the current
directory - even local) are sure-fire ways to cause the problem. They all
result in an error like:
NFS waiting for server to respond.
It doesn't make sense to me unless something that interragates the NFS disk
is wrapping those programs.
Other commands can be run without apparent ill-effect: su, cd, shutdown, init.
I know that on our previous system, OSF/1 (version 2.1), if you ran the df
or umount(!) command, you would get this response, but that at least it made
some sense.
Can anyone suggest anything? Automount? Different mount parameters? I don't
like having to reboot everytime the other machine goes down.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Anne E. Henderson
Tropical Remote Sensing Unit
CSIRO division of Exploration and Mining
PMB Aitkenvale PO, Townsville, 4814, Australia
e-mail a.henderson_at_dem.csiro.au
ph:+61 77538544 fax:+61 77538600
Received on Wed Oct 18 1995 - 07:05:20 NZDT