Yesterday was just one of THOSE days. The second I sent my question everything
started working just great!
As usual I received several good answers. Most suggested adding #!/usr/bin/csh
to the top of my script or using "/usr/bin/csh -c xxx" to start the script.
(This is what I was doing, and it works. Now...)
Some suggested that /usr might not be mounted when my script is started, this
however is not the case.
Many thanks to those who responded!
The original question:
> WHY is it impossible to start a script written in csh at system startup? I
> realize that the script in /sbin/rc3.d should be written in sh. (Since
> /sbin/rc3 starts sh.) But why can't this script start another script written
> in csh? I get no messages or errors at all.
Mats G Karlsson E-mail: (__)
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Received on Wed Oct 25 1995 - 15:57:39 NZDT