Comparing a Alpha AXPpci33 with a 200 4/233

From: Ian Thurlbeck <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 10:50:17 GMT

Dear All

I'm busy looking at an Alpha PC AXPpci33 (an DEC CPU board put in a box
by a supplier), and I think its a 100MHz Alpha chip. It's supposed to
be slightly faster than a 4/100 AlphaStation.

I'm running 3 different numerical models on it:

1) Fish Model with a fair bit of I/O to disk.

2) Water Column model, mainly CPU bound.

3) An iterative numerical problem, CPU bound, spends 97% of its
   time in a 10 line procedure, but does have X based graphical

I'm also running these on a AlphaStation 200 4/233 as a comparison.

Here are the runtimes from 'time':
                pci33 4/233 Speed Up
1) Fish 82 27 3 times
2) Water 30 10 3 times
3) Iter 230 218 about 5% !!!

As you can see the Fish and Water models run 3 times faster on
the 4/233 (as expected), but for some reason the Iter model
runs at a remarkable pace on the pci33 (it isn't the 4/233
running it slow since I tried it on a 4/100 and it had a run time
of about 600 secs).

What is going on ? I've disable the graphical output from the model-
no improvement. I've ran 'pixie' and looked at the stats - both
take roughly the same number of CPU cycles yet the slower pci33
almost matches the 4/233 - how can it ?

Investigatng further, it seems that the problem is to do with
Pascal - models 1) and 2) are Fortran, model 3) is Pascal.
A simple 20 line pascal program runs roughly the same on both
machines, but the same program converted to C runs at half the
speed on the pci33. Both machines are running version 5.20 of
the Pascal runtime library, with everything compiled on the
4/233 with version 5.20 of the compiler.

I appreciate there is lots of information I haven't given you,
but if anyone has any ideas about where to look for the source
of the problem, please let me know!

Many thanks

Received on Wed Nov 22 1995 - 12:22:57 NZDT

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