Alphaserver 1000 simms (update)

From: Blue Moon Network Administrator <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 21:36:16 -0500 (EST)

This is an update to the previously posted question about simm
compatibility between PC's and Alphaserver 1000's.

I am wonderring if any of you out there in Alphaland happen to know if
standard 1x36, 2x36, 4x36 and 8x36 70ns 72 pin PC style simms will work
in a Digital Alphaserver 1000 (4/233).
<End Header>

From: Andrew Brennan <BRENNAN_at_HAL.HAHNEMANN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Alphaserver 1000 memory modules

> I have had quotes on 64MB of ECC memory ranging from around $3000 to
> $5000 and I can pick up five 4x36 70ns 16MB simms for under $2500 from my
> own sources!
    While I can't say for sure, I would think it possible that your only
    difference might be the access times of the SIMMs.

    andrew. (

I'm pretty sure the simms are 70's and the one Digital Tech that actually
brought some to swap out said they were plain old 4x36 70's. It does take
FIVE 16 meg simms to make 64 megs and that's where I think the ECC comes
into play. The "extra" (fifth) simm for each of the four banks lives in a
separate bank of four "spare" simm slots and not in fifth slot adjacent
to its four partners.

On Wed 22-Nov-1995 1:50p, Pat McBride wrote:
PM> Hello,

PM> The AlphaStation (200,400,600), Workstation 3000 Model 300 and the
PM> AlphaServer 1000 all use 72 Pin (PC Compatible) SIMMS.

PM> Happy Holidays,

PM> Pat McBride
PM> Picker Graphics Workstations
PM> Manager, Sales, Service
PM> patm_at_pgw.picker

This goes along with what I have been led to believe from my inquiries so
far. Aside from a few "grey areas" it would make sense and would seem

One thing that was brought up was that ECC is very different from
"parity" and not at all compatible. I would like to understand more about
the "ECC" side of things, is that what the fifth simm group is for?

Another point was that 32 bit simms don't give 64 bit accesses. That
makes obvious sense, but has DEC made a workaround for this for the
Alphaserver/Station series? Is it a compromise for the AlphaS' series
that sacrifices a little speed? It would make very good sense to use off
the shelf mem if possible, but I don't like giving up speed any more
than the next guy (or gal ;) does!

With a little luck and some responses from some sharp mem people I hope
to be able to post a definitive summary in the near future.
Thanks goes out to all that have responded thusfar.

J. Henry Priebe Jr. President & Network Adminstrator Blue Moon Internet Services Blue Moon Online System "The Moon is in the Sky and Everyone is there!"
Received on Thu Nov 23 1995 - 03:59:52 NZDT

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