SUMMARY: Tape drive on second SCSI card

From: Gordon Findlay, Computer Scientist <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 9:18:45 +1300 (NZDT)

Date sent: 23-JAN-1996 09:05:12

I asked

>we've just received an AlphaStation 200, with 2 SCSI interfaces. At present the
>second has attached to it a TLZ07 DAT, which SHOW CONFIG identifies as mkb500
>There's a device at SCSI ID 5 on the first bus as well - it's an RZ29B.
>How do I run MAKEDEV for the tape on the second SCSI? Doesn't look like rmt05;
>Is it just rmt13?

Thanks to all who replied. My guess was right as far as the SCSI ID is
concerned: devices on the second SCSI bus have IDs 8 - 15.

As far as MAKEDEV is concerned, Tom Blinn said:

>mkb500 is tz13. (SCSI tapes are tz names; MAKEDEV figures out the mapping
>from tz* to rmt*. A new rmt is set up for each tz encountered, in the order
>the device files are created -- make sure you make all the tz names at the
>same time, in the right order.)

Others had much the same comments.

Thanks to those who replied:
Bertrand Hutin <> Pierre Wendling <>
Alan Rollow <> Brian Sheehan <>
Alan Oborne <> Phil L <>
Olle Eriksson <> Craig I Hagan <>
Dr Tom Blinn <> John Stoffel <john_at_WPI.EDU>
Charles Johnson <>
Steve Mc <>
Lucien Hercaud <"Lucien HERCAUD">

Gordon Findlay,  Computer Scientist, Christchurch School of Medicine
                 Nuclear-free New Zealand       ! We have enough youth. What
Email:  Gordon_at_CHMEDS.AC.NZ                     ! we need is a fountain of
Paper:  PO Box 4345, Christchurch,  NEW ZEALAND ! SMART.
Voice:  +64-3-364 0540                          !
Received on Mon Jan 22 1996 - 21:46:26 NZDT

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