Trying to start rstatd at system boot

From: Tim W. Janes <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 09:17:28 +0000 (GMT)

Hello All,

I have a stupid problem that I just can't seem to solve.

I want to start rpc.rstatd running at boot time but have completely failed.

I have
1)created as script /sbin/init.d/rstatd by copying rwhod and
edititing it as shown below.
2)created a link /usr/sbin/rc3.d/S88rstatd pointing to ../init.d/rstatd
3) used rcmgr to add the following lines to rc.config
export RSTATD

Running S88rstatd start|stop interactively correctly starts/stops rpc.rstatd

At system boot I correctly get the message "rstatd daemon started" on
the console but when I log in there is no sign of rpc.rstatd.

I just cannot see what I am doing wrong.

Any help or suggestion on how to get rstatd started at boot time would
be very welcome.

Many Thanks


Tim Janes | e-mail :
Defence Research Agency | tel : +44 1684 894100
Malvern Worcs | fax : +44 1684 895103
Gt Britain | #include <std/disclaim.h>

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# Get actual configuration

# if network not configured, just exit
if [ "$NUM_NETCONFIG" = '' -o "$NUM_NETCONFIG" = 0 ]; then
        exit 1
        Pid=`/sbin/init.d/bin/getpid /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd -uroot`

# start or stop rstatd daemon
case $1 in
        if [ "$RWHOD" = 'yes' ]; then
                if [ -f /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd ]; then
                        if [ "X$Pid" = "X" ]; then
                                if /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd; then
                                        echo "rstatd daemon started"
                                        echo "$0: cannot start rstatd daemon"
                                        exit 1
                        echo "$0: /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd does not exist"
                        exit 1
        if [ -f /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd ]; then
                if [ "X$Pid" != "X" ]; then
                        /bin/kill $Pid
        echo "usage: $0 {start|stop}"
        exit 1
exit 0
Received on Tue Feb 06 1996 - 10:59:28 NZDT

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