Hi there,
My original query was:
> I am looking for a tool like Quantify on DU 3.2. I am not
> very happy with the atom/pixie and gprof tools.
I am probably going for this parasight thing. I will try it out as
soon as I have some more time.
I received the following replys within a very short time:
Check out Parasight available from Encore Computer Corp. (800-726-2230)
Parasight was designed for the debugging and performance analysis of real-time
programs - while they are running (executing). It offers full debug capability
as well as dynamic execution analysis to Micro-Second resolution - and a
complete Data monitoring capability.
You can download a demo copy from:
You can also check Encore's Webb page (
http://www.encore.com/rt/para.html) for
more info and screen shots of Parasight.
Ich kenne Quantify nicht, kann also nicht im Vergleich reden.
Ausserdem hast Du nicht erwaehnt, ob es auch Geld kosten darf...
Insgesamt finden wir die Situation (fuer uns und unsere Beduerfnisse)
nach wie vor eher unbefriedigend. Aber es gibt immerhin verschiedene
Moeglichkeiten, die sich steigern lassen:
-> monitor ist ein public domain tool, das z.B. auf dem
gatekeeper.dec.com ( liegt
das kann alphanumerisch fuer 1 CPU allerlei Dinge
online darstellen (memory, cpu, swap, ...)
und ist z.B. immer noch das einzige Tool, das einfach
das physikalisch in der Maschine steckende Memory zeigt
(das ich kenne)
-> top ebenfalls public domain (aktuell in Version 3.3?)
zeigt eine Art Hitliste, der cpu-intensivsten Jobs an
sowie ein paar Daten dazu und mehr
-> Digital Polycenter hat ebenfalls passende Tools, die aber dann Geld
kosten. Der Performance Manager z.B. oder auf's Netz bezogen Netview
und so weiter bis das Geld alle ist... ;-)
Das sind so die Dinge, mit denen wir schon Erfahrung gesammelt haben...
Viele Gruesse
Bert Christandl
- Bernt Christandl / Max Planck Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik -
- D-85740 Garching / Phone: +49/89/3299-3346 / Fax: +49/89/3299-3569 -
- Internet: beb_at_mpe-garching.mpg.de -
Regards, Encore Computer Corporation
Mike Palmer 6901 W Sunrise Boulevard
Principal Member Technical Staff Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33313
email: mpalmer_at_encore.com Telephone: (305) 797-2326
I've never heard of Quantify (I'll look into it though) and am also
unhappy with some of the DUnix tools. uprofile is kind of the best
for my problems (number crunching in a big way), but I can't seem to
get a statemnet level profile from it ala tprof/xgprof on IBMs. I
sent an email to one of the devleopers about this a while back, so far
I've had no reply :-( The ATOM stuff might be good, but I find the
documentation totally inadequate, and the numbers it spits out seem a
bit weird to me. (docs dated DEC 1993 on my 3.0 DUnix system). I'd
be interested in any helpful replies you get, could you post a summary
mailing list ??
_ / Kevin Maguire \ _
/ )| Higher Scientific Officer |( \
/ / | Daresbury Laboratory | \ \
_( (_ | K.Maguire_at_dl.ac.uk | _) )_
(((\ \> \/->____<-=-=-=-=->_____<-\/ </ /)))
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Thanks to all
Juerg Staub Working for Digital Equipment
Corp. AG on the:
email: jst_at_atb.ch EBS PROJECT, GUI-Development
phone: +41 1 286 8281 Bleicherweg 10, 8021 Zurich
fax: +41 1 286 8496 SWITZERLAND
Received on Thu Feb 08 1996 - 13:17:15 NZDT