Dear Gurus,
Following a recent question "Is it possible to extend the user names (login
names) to more than 8 characters", I have a partial answer and a question:
1) suppose you want to create an account for a user "billgates" (9 char.)
With "adduser", you'll have to enter "billgate"
Then, you can edit /etc/passw with vipw and modify the login name to its
full length.
It works. Now billgates can log in.
2) however, isn't this potentially dangerous?
Suppose billgates makes an "ls -l": there will be no blank between the
owner and the group. This is not very serious, but I wonder whether some
system tasks may be confused?
What if the user name is more than 9 characters long?
Thanks for your help,
| Jean-Loup Risler | |
| Universite de Versailles | Tel: (33-1) 39 25 45 54 |
| Lab. Genome et Informatique | Fax: (33-1) 39 25 45 69 |
| Batiment Buffon | |
| 45 Avenue des Etats-Unis | email: |
| 78035 Versailles Cedex France | |
Received on Thu Feb 08 1996 - 13:36:07 NZDT