Kerberos IV on Digital Unix 3.2C?

From: Tim Cantin <>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 13:05:27 -0500


Does anyone know if there is a Kerberos IV on Digital Unix 3.2C? I looked in
the 3.2C and 3.2D update documentation, but didn't find any mention of it.
I am aware of th MIT Athena distibution, but I was hoping to avoid having
to compile it (I ftp'd it and looked at it, and I was intimidated :)).

Thank you very much!

p.s. I was hoping to get the client portion of Kerberos only, and some
include files / libraries for programming. I don't need to run a kerberos
server on Digital Unix.

Tim Cantin, System and Network Manager, <>
203 Simpson East/IST, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181-8201
Received on Tue Mar 05 1996 - 19:40:35 NZDT

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