I'm going to receive information from many financial entities, and i'm trying to figure out which is the best way to get it, as there is a jungle of Operating Systems, computers, tape drives and formats. We think to recommend these entities to use a "free format copy", which in UNIX environments is known as "dd", in VMS it would be "mte (mt Exchange)".
Now, we must define a "record length" and a "block size", which as i understand is the "record length" multiplied by a "blocking factor", p.e:
record length = 576 bytes
blocking factor = 10
block size = 576 bytes x 10 = 5760 bytes, i.e. : 10 records per block
The term "block size" is clearly defined in the dd command ("bs" qualifier), but i wonder which one of the qualifiers defines either the blocking factor or the record length. Any hints, ideas ?
Thanks & Regards
F. Javier Aida Nakamo
Software Engineer - GMD S.A.
Tlf: +51 - 1 - 241-2626 Ext. 254
FAX: + 51 - 1 - 446-9667
Lima - PERU
Received on Thu Apr 25 1996 - 00:16:12 NZST