Here is a summary of responses to my request for "Resources for the
UNIX/ORACLE beginner"
RE: Unix Books
"Unix System Administration Handbook" (2nd ed.) by Nemeth, Snyder, Seebass,
Hein was recommended by the majority of responders.
"Essential System Administration" - Fresch , "Unix for the Impatient" -
Abrahmson, and the User and System Admin. guides for Digital Unix - (come
with the product) were recommended by multiple people.
Other books recommended were:
"Unix Power Tools"
"Firewalls and Internet Security"
"The TCP/IP Companion"
"Life with Unix"
"Unix in a Nutshell"
"Unix Programming Environment"
Re: Oracle Books
Any books published by O'Reilly or Oracle Press, including:
"Oracle DBA Handbook"
"Tuning and Backup/Recovery"
Other responses:
Some recommended more memory for the box (mine will have 256MB)
Get a good Web browser
Use AltaVista (
Get a second box for testing - (I wish!!)
Put Unix on a PC (SCO, Linux..etc) to test and learn to get around the OS
Work closely with the DBA on backup/recovery/tuning (I think that I'm going
to also be the DBA, so I guess that's as close as I can get)
Get a DEC training course (classroom or self-guided)
WWW search on "Unix book"
Oracle lists: ORACLE-l _at_
chest-oracle _at_
Search engine:
Thanks a lot to all who responded. I'm going to my local bookstore after
work today to do some shopping!!!
.. Joel
Received on Mon Jun 03 1996 - 19:36:21 NZST