Pb htppd, ftp and web server

From: <provost_at_iap.fr>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 96 10:12:29 +0200


I have a problem with my Web server and HTTPD or FTPD daemon on my DEC 3000 /
600S with OSF1 3.0.

When I have in my html page the following url :
        <a href="ftp://ftp-denis.iap.fr/pub">

with ftp-denis.iap.fr is an alias on anonymous ftp server.

and I click on this URL , the following window message is displayed :
"Guest login ok, send ident as passord" with a simple button "ok".
I can not access to my anonymous ftp directories. What do I do for
that ?

At least, I would like to know how can I do if I want that user extracts
some file from my directories without to display in netscape window (for
exemple I want to export ASCII file) ?

Thank you very much for your answers...

Lionel Provost
C.N.R.S. / Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
98 Bis Bd Arago
75014 PARIS

e-mail : provost_at_iap.fr / Tel : (+33) 1 44-32-81-14
Received on Mon Jun 24 1996 - 10:30:27 NZST

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