Thanks to all who replied. I admit I was a dummy for not quoting around
the wildcard characters, but that was not the problem. Though it was
an error.
I'll skip the long boring story of how I stumbled upon the answer and
just cut to the chase.
When I installed mtools the first time, I just copied a bunch of files
from a CD ROM. Somehow, I missed copying a file named 'mread'. It turns
out that 'mcopy' does: execvp("mread", nargv); to read files from
a DOS floppy. It does no error checking on the execvp call, so
when it didn't find the file to exec, it just exited quietly. I had
copied mwrite, so mcopy, writing to the floppy worked just fine.
Oh well, that's a learning exercise :-)
This message from, Encore Computer Corporation MS/407
Burch Seymour 6901 W Sunrise Boulevard
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Received on Fri Jul 12 1996 - 21:18:28 NZST