SUMMARY: Bannerpages for remote printer

From: Kees Bol - Landbouwuniversiteit, Afd. I&D <Kees.Bol_at_RCL.WAU.NL>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 09:51:45 +0000 (GMT)

The original question was how to obtain a bannerpage
when printing to a laserjet4M connected to the network.

No real solution was given.
I received the following 2 suggestions:

Some proposed to add the line


to the printcapfile, however, this has no effect when
printing to a remote printerqueue.

Joel Caven came up with the following solution (too complex for me):

I had this problem when connecting our HP lasers to our DU box... My
solution was to set up the remote printer in the printcap as normal and
use nenscript to convert everything to postscript. THEN I hacked the
code and put in a hard copy of the banner page in the code. This page
puts on the Time, username and job. There is one page for the text
conversion routine and one page for the postscript pass through mode.
Each are identical but had to be inserted in the code separately.

Anyway, thanks to

pgmr_at_PPALF.APPSTATE.EDU" "Darryl Cook"" "Joel Caven""
Received on Mon Jul 22 1996 - 10:17:07 NZST

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