Hi managers,
I have encounterd a problem with the lpd program. It seems that lpd
cannot handle print requests from hosts with a name greater than 32
characters. I can queue a print job (and it gets printed) but I
cannot remove the job from the queue (except with root perm.) if the
job was submitted on a machine with a name (FQDN) > 32 characters.
Example: host: abcdefghi.t30.physik.tu-muenchen.de
lpr -Pps-t30 test.ps will give the following content of
the spool dir.
print-host # ls -al /var/spool/lpd/lp.ps-t30
24 Jan 30 1996 .options
4 Aug 13 11:59 .seq
120 Aug 13 12:14 cfA027abcdefghi.t30.physik.tu-muenchen?ps-t30
78519 Aug 13 12:14 dfA027abcdefghi
0 Aug 13 12:14 errsaaorEa
10 Aug 13 12:10 init
52 Aug 13 12:14 lock
13 Aug 13 12:14 status
(I have deleted the unnecessary stuff).
As you can see, the control file (cfA...) contains the "choped" hostname.
If I try to delete a job from the queue, lpd does nothing. I think it
cannot find the control file.
Now the question: Is there a patch available for that problem. The problem
exists in OSF V2.1 and even in V3.2d.
PS: I tried LPRng (a freely available lpr package), but it does'nt work with
Thanx in advance
Received on Tue Aug 13 1996 - 13:22:12 NZST