Problems after ugrading to new hardware

From: Huw Davies <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 10:57:06 +1000

I've got a number of problems after upgrading my personal workstation from a
3000/300LX to a 255/233MHz system.

The upgrade was done as follows:

1) Remove RZ26L from the 3000 and install in the new system.

2) boot new system single user. Delete old kernel config file, build new kernel.

3) Add software subsets for keyboard support and the 3D X server. The new box
   has the ZLXp2-E graphics card.

4) Reboot.

The problems I'm seeing are:

a) the first attempt to boot always fails to find boot blocks off the RZ26L.
The first (automatic) retry gets the system up.

b) If I leave the system in either the graphics login screen or logged into
CDE it
crashes at a random interval, currently no longer than 1 hour. If I log in
to a text based login, the system stays up for much longer periods (more
than 24 hours) before crashing.

c) I can't get my RRD40 to work (this is not critical, it's just used to
house a Linux distribution CD for our students to copy stuff from).

I have checked the error logs, and apart from system restarts, nothing is
logged. When I came in this morning, the system was dead and I notice that
there are no crash dumps from last night's death. I can't even see what was
on the screen as it goes into power saving mode and can't be rewoken.

Any suggestions appreciated. I have already logged a call with Digital
Support but they haven't found a solution yet. I'm trying to avoid
reinstalling DU, but may be forced to do this as I can't afford this system
to be unreliable, as it is our test implementation before rolling out four
new systems to replace other 3000/300LXs.

A summary is assured!

 Huw Davies | e-mail:
 Information Technology Services | Phone: +61 3 9479 1550 Fax: +61 3 9479 1999
 La Trobe University | "My Alfas keep me poor in a monetary
 Melbourne Australia 3083 | sense, but rich in so many other ways"
Received on Fri Sep 13 1996 - 03:16:53 NZST

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