Hello Managers!
I have one Alpha Server 400 4/166 running DU 3.2c with 64Mb of memory.
It4s running a Netscape Communication Server version 1.12.
I need VirtualHost capabilities, but my dealler tell-me that this httpd
"eat" a lot of resources for VirtualHost, becouse the NCS 1.12 need a new
daemon for each Virtual Home.
The question is: Which is the best httpD for this situation?
Mauricio Brixner Hot-Net Informatica Ltda. Phone:+55(051)331-3795
System Manager Santa Cecilia 1891 loja 3 Fax:+55(051)331-3334
mauricio_at_hotnet.net Porto Alegre-RS-Brazil
Received on Tue Oct 22 1996 - 22:44:02 NZDT