Thanks to:
Knut Hellebx <> for pointing me at the HP
web pages for info.
and Thomas Leitner <> for sending me his ddr
entry for the HP C1533A.
I now have a ddr entry for the C1537A DAT drive but it throws up some
questions. (the ddr entry is appended at the end after the ---%<--- )
(1) When I reboot the machine it says:
Sep 25 12:57:30 star vmunix: Alpha boot: available memory from 0x72a000 to 0x700 0000
Sep 25 12:57:30 star vmunix: Digital UNIX V4.0 (Rev. 386); Mon Jan 1 00:14:18 G MT 1996
Sep 25 12:57:30 star vmunix: physical memory = 112.00 megabytes.
Sep 25 12:57:30 star vmunix: available memory = 104.83 megabytes.
Sep 25 12:57:30 star vmunix: using 422 buffers containing 3.29 megabytes of memory
Sep 25 12:57:30 star vmunix: DDR: WARNING: Unable to obtain Device Information Database
Sep 25 12:57:30 star vmunix: Unable to open file /etc/ddr.db
Sep 25 12:57:30 star vmunix: DDR: WARNING: Basic Defaults will be used.
Yet I have a /etc/ddr.dbase file which has been successfully compiled into
the /etc/ddr.db database (with ddr_config -c):
# ls -als /etc/ddr*
15 -rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 14640 Sep 25 13:09 /etc/ddr.db
53 -rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 53981 Sep 25 13:09 /etc/ddr.dbase
I can read my entry for the DAT drive by doing a
# ddr_config -s tape HP C1537A L610
Building Device Information for:
Type = tape
Vendor ID: "HP" Product ID: "C1537A" Rev: "L610"
Applying Modifications from Device Record for :
Vendor ID: "HP" Product ID: "C1537A" Rev: "L610"
TypeSubClass = RDAT
MaxTransferSize = 0xffffff
DisperseQueue = false
TagQueueDepth = 0x0
ReadyTimeSeconds = 0x2d
InquiryLength = 0x2b
(2) Also I get a few of these immediately after reboot:
Sep 25 12:59:17 star vmunix: [0/0/0] ctape_ioctl: unmapped scsi density
code (0x25) - DDR entry needed
In the ddr.dbase file, density code 0x25 has the following entry:
scsi_tape_density[0x25] = "density_code_25" 0 0
The first "0" is the density and if unknown it says to leave it "0". So
the error may be misleading in that everything will work ok.
Anyway, looking at the output from "mt -f <device> status" seems to show
the devices switching into compression on/off depending on what device
name you use, so that all looks ok.
Sooo, I think it works, despite all the warnings.
Dave Rawlinson Email:
Starlink Project Tele: +44 1235 44 6471
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Fax: +44 1235 44 5848
Chilton, Didcot, OXON OX11 0QX URL:
Type = tape
Name = "HP" "C1537A" "L610"
TypeSubClass = rdat
MaxTransferSize = 0xffffff
DisperseQueue = false
TagQueueDepth = 0x0
ReadyTimeSeconds = 0x2d
InquiryLength = 0x2b
DensityNumber = 0
OneFilemarkOnClose = no
DensityCode = 0x25
Blocking = 0
CompressionCode = 0x0
Buffered = 0x1
DensityNumber = 1
OneFilemarkOnClose = no
DensityCode = 0x25
Blocking = 0
CompressionCode = 0x1
Buffered = 0x1
DensityNumber = 2
OneFilemarkOnClose = no
DensityCode = 0x25
Blocking = 0
CompressionCode = 0x1
Buffered = 0x1
DensityNumber = 3
OneFilemarkOnClose = no
DensityCode = 0x25
Blocking = 0
CompressionCode = 0x0
Buffered = 0x1
DensityNumber = 4
OneFilemarkOnClose = no
DensityCode = 0x25
Blocking = 0
CompressionCode = 0x0
DensityNumber = 5
OneFilemarkOnClose = no
DensityCode = 0x25
Blocking = 0
CompressionCode = 0x0
Buffered = 0x1
DensityNumber = 6
OneFilemarkOnClose = no
DensityCode = 0x25
Blocking = 0
CompressionCode = 0x0
Buffered = 0x1
DensityNumber = 7
OneFilemarkOnClose = no
DensityCode = 0x25
Blocking = 0
CompressionCode = 0x0
Buffered = 0x1
Received on Thu Sep 25 1997 - 15:44:06 NZST