[Summary] Login (and other) problem

From: Gyula Szemenyei <szemgy_at_rkk.hu>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 10:06:41 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi Managers,
My original problem was:
> We have a dec 3000/300 running du 4.0b with enhanced security.
> My problem is that when i try to login from a remote machine i got
> following message:
> Connected to libra.dti.rkk.hu.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Digital UNIX (libra.dti.rkk.hu) (ttyp0)
> login: *****
> Password:
> Cannot set terminal mode.
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> #:
Thanks for everybody who replied:
H. Blakely Williford <blakew_at_fullerbrush.com>
Salvador Ramirez <sram_at_profc.udec.cl>
Nathan Grass <NathanG_at_UTS.Itron.com>
Salvador Ramirez wrote:

All that your describe seems to be a problem with the permissions of
/dev/mem or /dev/kmem. Those files must to be grouped to mem and have
only read permission to the owner (root) and for the group (mem).

When you enter log in on a UNIX system, this execute /bin/login. This
program must be owned by root, have execute permissions for everyone
and be SUID to root.
I checked these files and I find out that local system admin was
lamer: when he tried to restore users directory ownership he
had mystyped the command: chown -R username /
He is working on restoring original ownership. I hope this will be
Best Regards,
     Gyula Szemenyei
Received on Thu Aug 06 1998 - 08:07:49 NZST

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