2100 firmware upgradability

From: Gillian Bennett <gillian.bennett_at_star.com.au>
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 14:48:25 +1000


I have a 2100 4/275 which is seriously in need of upgrading from both a
hardware point of view (memory, disks and CPU) and an OS point of view. It
is currently running v4.0B Digital UNIX with rev 5.0 firmware. I want to
upgrade it to 4.0D to make it Y2K compatible, however, I have to know if it
is compatible with further firmware upgrades. Has anyone upgraded their
2100's successfully? I have already checked web sites and been in contact
with technical support at Compaq and they have not yet provided me with any
information that is really helpful. I am concerned because I also have a
1000A 5/400 with 4.0B and firmware rev 5.0 and I have not yet - despite
several attempts - been able to successfully upgrade it to 4.0D.

thanks, Gilllian

                ____________ Gillian Bennett ____________
                Systems Engineer

                Star Systems Pty Ltd
                5 CRIBB STREET, MILTON QLD 4064
                P.O. BOX 1511, MILTON QLD 4064
                PHONE 617 3331 5555 FAX 617 3367 0181

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Received on Thu Sep 03 1998 - 04:49:52 NZST

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