Hello DU Admins,
I just began playing with NTP time synchronization on one of our Alphas,
running DU v4.0D + as00002 patch. I'm using the NTP tools provided by
For reasons that I will not expose here, I had to use our Cisco router
as our time source, and had to configure the DU box to sync from the
router, which it sees as a "server" providing an undisputable time. Our
router itself talks NTP over Internet to a public time server here in
Canada. The router has no problem synchnonizing with the public server,
and the "show ntp status" command on the router consistently shows
"Clock synchronized" messages.
I'm not sure that the synchronization of the DU box clock from the
router clock works. Both clocks show the same time. This is not
surprising since I rebooted my DU box a few hours ago, and the clock got
synchnonized during the boot process. What puzzles me is the presence in
the syslog's daemon.log file of repeated message like "xntpd [3074]:
Previous time adjustment didn't complete". It seems like xntpd is at
times (no pun intended!) unable to maintain synchronization with the
router's clock. Is this message type normal in the operation of the
xntpd daemon? Sometimes, I'm also seeing messages indicating that the
synchronization actually succeeds: "xntpd[3074]: synchronized to
nn.nn.nn.nn, stratum=3".
Suggestions/comments are welcomed. Thank you.
Charles Vachon -- Administrateur de systhme
Fonds de la Riforme Cadastrale du Quibec
Ministhre des Ressources Naturelles du Quibec
cvachon2_at_mrn.gouv.qc.ca -- (418) 627-6355 x2760
Received on Wed Oct 28 1998 - 20:54:01 NZDT