There were a few questions on my summary about accessing environmental
monitoring info thru the Performance Manager software, so I'll comment
on how we access it, and then I have a question regarding making threshold
notification work in pmgr.
On our DU4.0D system (also worked under DU4.0B) we have installed:
OSFENVMON425 installed Environmental Monitoring (System
PMGRBASE425 installed Performance Manager Daemons & Base, Digital
PMGRGUI425 installed Performance Manager Graphical User Interface,
gital UNIX
PMGRMAN425 installed Performance Manager Reference Pages, Digital
and the following processes run on our systems:
root 493 1 0.0 Nov 07 ?? 0:45.81 sysmansh /usr/sbin/envmond -ui cli
root 473 1 0.0 Nov 07 ?? 0:01.03 bin/pmgrd
The envmond is started at boot, and must start after the eSNMP and Server
System MIB agents have started. Before it starts, the system checks for
hardware to support environmental monitoring, and if it doesn't (as on the
8400s) envmond and the Server System MIB are not started.
You can query envmond directly:
sysconfig -q envmon
env_current_temp = 20
env_high_temp_thresh = 40
env_fan_status = 0
env_ps_status = 0
env_supported = 1
on my 4100 - env_supported is 1 for true here. On a system where I have
envmon installed but where it there is no hardware support (an 8400) I see:
env_current_temp = 2
env_high_temp_thresh = 2
env_fan_status = 2
env_ps_status = 2
env_supported = 0
I *believe* (can't confirm) that if you have the environmental monitoring
software installed on your system, pmgr automatically gives you an
[Environmental] item in your "metric categories" list of its main window.
These "metric categories" can be controlled by pulling down the [Task] menu,
selecting [Category Management], and selecting or hiding items. When you select
the [Environmental] metric category from the main window, you get a choice
of things to monitor, including temp, fan status, power status, and sensor
Now for the question:
The perf. mgr. has a "Threshold" button below the "Display" button that,
when pressed, gives you a window allowing you to select "Threshold
Notification Methods".
I can't find much info on how to set this up, but it looks like it would
send email when a target threshold is hit, and also run a command or
script. I've tried telling it to email me, but it just isn't working.
Further examination shows that under the [Execute] menu there is a button
called [Threshold Management] that gives 3 options:
send page
send fax
to console
The help in pmgr says, however:
Threshold management commands can be executed when a threshold is crossed.
Performance Manager provides the following threshold management commands.
To execute one, from the main window's Execute menu choose Threshold
Management, then one of the following commands:
* SendFax
* SendPage
* SendMail
You are even supposed to be able to setup your own commands, tried that,
but not clear how.
Has anyone gotten threshold notification working via email, and if so
can you explain how???
Judith Reed
(315) 453-2912 x335
Received on Mon Nov 09 1998 - 16:13:08 NZDT