I have an alpha 2100 (DU4.0b, DEFTA) and a Sun SS20 (Solaris 2.5) both
with ethernet and FDDI adapters. Up until now I was only using ethernet,
I'm now in a position to get an FDDI connection.
What I'd like to do is to have both interfaces active so if one fails
there is still a route to the host, ie if a user types 'telnet host' the
connection to 'host' may be by either interface, depending on which seems
the best choice at the time, and where that choice is _not_ made by a
human. Is this possible? (eg by use of routing metrics etc).
I'm looking for some outline help to do this, particularly:
IP addressing (presumably each interface has it's own)
Hostnames (can they be the same on both interfaces)
Routing (static, dynamic, routed, gated?)
I'd appreciate any comments on doing this, and also on using FDDI in
Simon Greaves email: S.J.Greaves_at_hw.ac.uk
Systems development manager phone: +44 (0) 131 451 3265
Computer Centre, Heriot-Watt University fax: +44 (0) 131 451 3261
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK
Received on Wed Jan 21 1998 - 16:37:07 NZDT