ntalkd problem

From: Arvid Requate <arvid_at_Mathematik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 21:47:56 +0100 (MET)

I'm running DU 4.0b + PatchKit5 here and seem to have problems
with a strange behaviour of /usr/sbin/ntalkd:

Effect: When trying to talk to someone on the DU Machine no message appears
on the called users terminal and the callee gets the
"[Waiting for your party to respond]" message.

Probable cause: I switched on the undocumented (at least in the manpage)
"-d" option in /etc/inetd.conf and tried to talk from user "arvid"
on DU-machine math2 to user "arvid" on DU-machine math3. Here is
what was written to daemon.log:

Jan 22 20:21:07 math3 talkd[20027]: process_request: look_up: id 0, l_user arvid
, r_user arvid, r_tty
Jan 22 20:21:07 math3 talkd[20027]: find_match: look_up: id 0, l_user arvid, r_u
ser arvid, r_tty
Jan 22 20:21:07 math3 talkd[20027]: process_request: look_up: not_here, id 0
Jan 22 20:21:07 math3 talkd[20027]: process_request: announce: id -1, l_user arv
id, r_user arvid, r_tty
Jan 22 20:21:07 math3 talkd[20027]: find_request: announce: id -1, l_user arvid,
 r_user arvid, r_tty xdm64
Jan 22 20:21:07 math3 talkd[20027]: process_request: announce: success, id 1
Jan 22 20:21:23 math3 talkd[20027]: process_request: delete: id 1, l_user arvid,
 r_user arvid, r_tty
Jan 22 20:21:23 math3 talkd[20027]: delete_invite(1)
Jan 22 20:21:23 math3 talkd[20027]: delete: announce: id 1, l_user arvid, r_user
 arvid, r_tty xdm64
Jan 22 20:21:23 math3 talkd[20027]: process_request: delete: success, id 0

So, I guess ntalkd found an entry for login "arvid" in /var/adm/utmp, but
it took the first it could get without noticing that this entry is dead already
(The next lines were extracted with /usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp from utmp):

arvid X64 xdm64
 00001 08 0000 0000 884543991 xmath100.Mathematik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE:0
                Sun Jan 11 19:39:51 1998 MET
arvid ttypb ttypb
 16052 07 0000 0000 885495287 math2.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de
                Thu Jan 22 19:54:47 1998 MET

Is this a known problem ? Are there workarounds available ? Any ideas ?
Thanks for your help
        Arvid Requate

PS: I'm not on the list, so please mail to arvid_at_Mathematik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
Received on Thu Jan 22 1998 - 21:48:15 NZDT

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