Thanks to: (Robert L. McMillin) (John F. Marten) (Dr. Tom Blinn) (Stephen LaBelle)
(Tom Blinn's quote below pretty much sums it up for me)
I guess i didn't state my arguments very well. One of the primary reasons
the researcher wants a full-disk OS partition is that he does kernel
development work and generates a lot of kernels that he boots from often.
The 64, now 128MB minimums for / are insufficient and he generally eats 256MB
for / in the process. We need a compromise between custom configurations and
a default local installation prototype. Hence, his suggestion to use the
entire disk with "floatable/extensible" sizes on the various filesets.
I'm pretty convinced that i want to continue doing what i have been (/
on UFS and the rest of the OS glommed into filesets on a single domain.
Most of our 50 or so alpha boxes are single-disk workstations. Someone's
suggestion to multi-volume bind /usr,/var onto multiple disks doesn't fit
my scenario well, except on our higher-end MP server boxes. I may just
take them as special cases.
Alan (?) at DEC
remarked on performance characteristics on buffer cache loading removing
any performance advantage to AdvFS.
Robert McMillin indicated a general prior distrust of AdvFS, however having
some systems running it now and being disturbed by SGI shipping a 'rootdisk'
default system using the full disk for /,/usr,/var.
John Marten runs / and /usr on AdvFS (separate domains i assume), and
also other systems running UFS and hasn't had any problems.
Stephen Labelle indicated using / on AdvFS, but as a separate domain.
(also splitting /usr and /var into separate domains and glomming multiple
volumes into each of those domains for disk load spread)
Tom Blinn indicates that the proposed config is not supported (and with my
experience with supported AdvFS, i don't want to venture into this realm
:-} ) He also indicates:
"If you manage your root partition at all intelligently, then
there are NO advantages to using AdvFS for root. NONE."
Stephen Dowdy - Systems Administrator - CS Dept - Univ of Colorado, Boulder - 303-492-6196 -
"Team Spam Forever" (A division of Beatrice) { NO cold Sales Calls !!! }
Received on Fri Feb 13 1998 - 01:02:40 NZDT