Compiling Lynx under OSF (summary)

From: Britton Johnson <>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 10:45:57 -0600 (CST)

My original Post:
> I am attempting to compile Lynx on my Digital Alpha 1000 4/233
>running DU 4.0. I have tried previous versions of Lynx and always come
>with odd compiling errors. Here is the hang up on my most recent
>Linking and creating Lynx executable
>-I../WWW/Library/Implementation -DDIRED_SUPPORT -DOK_TAR -DOK_ZIP
>LYClean.o LYShowInfo.o LYEdit.o LYStrings.o LYMail.o HTAlert.o
>LYGetFile.o LYMain.o LYMainLoop.o LYCurses.o LYBookmark.o LYUtils.o
>LYOptions.o LYReadCFG.o LYSearch.o LYHistory.o LYForms.o LYPrint.o
>LYrcFile.o LYDownload.o LYNews.o LYKeymap.o HTML.o HTFWriter.o HTInit.o
>DefaultStyle.o LYLocal.o LYUpload.o LYLeaks.o LYexit.o LYJump.o LYList.o
>LYCgi.o LYTraversal.o LYEditmap.o LYCharSets.o LYCharUtils.o LYMap.o
>LYCookie.o UCdomap.o UCAux.o UCAuto.o ../WWW/Library/osf/libwww.a
>-lcurses -ltermcap
>Can't locate file for: -ltermcap
>*** Exit 1
>*** Exit 1

It turns out that my system does not have OSFPGMR410 installed (as it
thought it had) and I am going to reinstall that package.

Many special thanks to all of those that replied:
Serge Munhoven
Paul A Sand
Berry Kercheval
Tim Winders
Dr. Tom Blinn
Dejan Muhamedagic

Also, Lucio Chiappetti pointed out that there are compiled lynx binaries
located at I haven't tried
these, considering I am sure I will run into need of OSFRGMR again
sometime. :-)

Thanks once more for such speedy/informed replies!

          Britton Johnson, ass't system administrator
            Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO

"insert witty quote here... or don't... whatever you like..." -me
Received on Wed Feb 25 1998 - 17:46:20 NZDT

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