Advanced Server "Duplicate name" problem

From: Richard Rogers <>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 16:46:48 +0000 (GMT)

Hello -

Apologies if this is not quite the right forum for this query, but I
couldn't think of a better one...

I've just installed Advanced Server on an Alpha 3000-300 running DU
4.0D. When I attempt to connect to it from an NT4 client, by any
means other than mapping the network drive to
\\numeric-ip-address\sharename (i.e. by browsing or by typing
\\servername\sharename in the map network drive dialog) I get an
error message "A duplicate name exists on the network". Attempting to
browse to other services following this error results in the same
error message being displayed again. (In fact, just browsing to the
domain has this result, without even browsing to the server).

The server is configured to use IP only, DNS and NBNS (WINS) host
resolution, primary domain controller in its own domain, and yes, I'm
as sure as I can be that the names _are_ unique (even tried changing
the server name, so it's different in the IP and NT worlds).

Has anyone else seen this problem or got any suggestions as to

Thanks for any help.


Richard Rogers
Information Technology Services
Staffordshire University
Tel: 01785 (+44 1785) 353395
                    ...Who knows where the time goes?...
Received on Wed Feb 25 1998 - 17:49:08 NZDT

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