UPDATE Re: Batch Job terminating without nohup

From: <dthun_at_dwp.ci.la.ca.us>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 09:02:40 -0800

Peter Stern pointed this out, I should of mentioned it on our post
when we invoke the job we run it with the following cmd string.

xyz.job > xyz.log 2>&1

If the job is trying to write something to standard error or standard
output and these are associated with a terminal which is no longer
connected, the job will die. Running it with nuhup tells it to ignore
hangups and quit signals, so it continues to run. There are other ways
to do this by redirecting standard error to standard output and the
latter to a file.
> Can't figure out why this batch job is terminating. My coworker runs this
> batch job at work (long running job 4 to 5 hrs) and it runs fine. If he
> logs in from home submits the job and logs off the job will continue to
> and terminate at 3 hrs. Unknown to either of us why this is happening he
> executed the job using a nohup and it ran to completion. I've looked at
> Kron and etc/inittab to see if anything in either of those places might
> killing the process but we're both new to this.
> Is there any defaults that would kill this process in the network area?
> Thank You
> Dennis Thun
> System is 8200 Alpha running Unix 4.0b
Received on Mon Mar 02 1998 - 18:01:41 NZDT

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