Hi managers,
I had a problem very similar to this one:
The problem was a fortran program, wich had the famous:
/sbin/loader: Fatal Error:set_program_attributes failed to set
heap start
Anyway, I solved it just by browsing the list archive...
Now I'm just curious about the solution I found. I can run the fortran
program, if I execute the command:
$ ulimit -d 1048576
Why? What's the ulimit goal?
Why do I have to set it?
This is just a knowledge question. It's not crucial for me.
If you have some time, I would apreciate a reply.
If you don't have time, never mind... Everything is working! :)
Joao Rochate
Joao Pedro Rochate | EMail: jrochate_at_ualg.pt
Servicos de Informatica | URL: w3.ualg.pt/~jrochate
Universidade do Algarve | Phone: +351 (0)89 800 961
8000 Gambelas - FARO | ISDN: +351 (0)89 860 125
P O R T U G A L (pt) | Mobile:+351 (0)936 660 662
http://www.ualg.pt ]=- | Fax: +351 (0)89 860 129
Eng. de Sistemas e Computacao - UCEH - Univ. do Algarve
Received on Tue Mar 31 1998 - 12:59:53 NZST