Having finally managed to print from Dec Unix 3.2b via HP JetDirect EX
Plus to a parallel dot-matrix, I am now trying to print from Dec Unix via
HP JetDirect EX Plus and a parallel to serial convertor to a much loved
DEC LA210.
In this second case, lines appear across the page because it is only
executing LF and not LF/CR (line feed/carriage return).
Can anyone recommend a change to my printcap entry ?
pbtest|Plant Breeder LA100 printer:\
I think that I need to use rp=raw because rp=text did not work. Also, I
needed to use lpr -Ppbtest filename to print file without the banner
because nothing printed when I asked to omit the banner.
If I need to write a filter, can anyone supply source code for me to work
from as I need to pass escape sequences to the LA210 ?
Brian Glaetzer - Roseworthy Computing Officer, University of Adelaide
PHONE: (+61 08) 8303 7914 E-MAIL: bglaetzer_at_roseworthy.adelaide.edu.au
FAX: (+61 08) 8303 7965 POST: Roseworthy Campus, ROSEWORTHY 5371
Received on Fri Apr 17 1998 - 09:58:12 NZST