SUMMARY: Tape conversion utility

From: <ABenthem_at_PVF.NL>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 13:14:05 +0100

Thanks for all responses:

Original message:

I am looking for a UNIX-utility to make a tape just like the "ltf"
facility does, but it has
to write all the data in EBCDIC to tape. (header(s), data, trailer)

Anyone a solution ?


It seems that there is no EBCDIC-equivalent for the "ltf" command.
Most people pointed to the "dd" command with the cbs= and conv= options.


"All my life I wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more
                -- Jane Wagner

Regards A. van Benthem


Received on Tue Jan 19 1999 - 12:11:13 NZDT

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