Thanks to everbody for the quick response, the original question is below. Gary
Beckett suggestion number two, removing /etc/.AM_is_running fixed the problem.
Everybody else suggested one of the three possibilities. Thanks also to Wmills_at_, Brian LaVelle, Joe Fletcher, Sean O'Connell, Donn Aiken, and
Rich Frank.
Gary Becketts suggestion:
I just this morning figured that problem out on my system.
Here is a couple thing to check.
1.) delete the file /etc/ptmp
2.) if you are using dxaccounts delete the file /etc/.AM_is_running
3.) check the /etc/passwd file remove any comments from the top of the
passwd file. You can have comment lines in the passwd file except at
the top.
#3 was the fix for my system. Seems that DU 4.0a & c allowed them but
DU 4.0d parses the /etc/passwd file a little differently
Hope this helps.
Gary Beckett
UNIX Systems Analyst
Royal BC Museum
675 Belleville St
Victoria, BC
V8W 9W2
Ph# (250)387-2445
Fax# (250)387-5360
Yesterday it worked / Today it is not working / UNIX is like that !-)
"Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine..."
- john p barlow
Original question:
I hope this is the correct forum for this message, any help would be
greatly appreciated. I checked the archives and could not find an answer
and I also tried to subscribe to AlphaNT with no luck. We have a DEC Alpha
with 4.2d and are getting the following problem when trying to add a user:
Here is the dialog and the error message that we get when we try to add a new
using the adduser command.
The adduser icon on the CDE won't do anything.
Enter a login name for the new user (for example, john): Doe
Enter a UID for (Doe) [204]:
Enter a full name for (Doe): John Doe
Enter a login group for (Doe) [users]:
Enter another group that (Doe) should be a member of.
(<Return> only if none):
Enter a parent directory for (Doe) [/usr]: /users
The shells are:
/usr/bin/sh /usr/bin/ksh /bin/sh /bin/ksh
/usr/bin/csh /usr/bin/posix/sh /bin/csh
Enter a login shell for (Doe) [/bin/sh]: /bin/csh
Adding new user...
The password and group files are currently locked by another user.
Please try again later.
Error, exiting useradd /usr/sbin/adduser. Check /etc/passwd.
Thanks for the help.
Received on Fri Feb 12 1999 - 21:32:55 NZDT