I have a 4100 - Dunix v4.0d + jumbo-2 + DECevent V2.9.
I am aware that some people use scripts which call HSZterm to monitor HSZ
based disk, whilst others use command console.
We have been advised by Compaq that the best solution is DECevent V2.9 I am
looking to try to get DECevent to monitor HSZ70 based disks - specifically
to notify me of two events:
1. if a disk (not part of a controller mirror set) fails
2. if a member of a controller mirror set fails
I have installed DECevent V2.9, added the 'volwatch' user to the customer
mailing list. Done a test mail via DECevent to verify mails are being
generated - they are.
Testing scenario 1
Two HSZ disks (not controller mirrored) in an LSM mirror pair with advfs
ontop of the volume. Doing some writes - pull one of the disks out.
the volwatch daemon generates a mail showing a mirror has failed. The
/var/adm/messages file shows a plex has failed. DECevent shows absolutely
I have done a: dia -t s:16:00:00 e:16:15:00 (which includes the time of the
failure). This is still thinking.
I appreciate that pulling a disk is not quite like a real failure, but its
as close as I can simulate. Pulling a disk apparently generates a "swap
low" scsi signal failure - which the HSZ will use to determine the disk is
physically not there as opposed to there but failed. However, to the
customer, the result should be the same.
Any advise on how to check if DECevent is seeing these failures, how to
check thresholds etc is appreciated. The documentation is good as a
reference but doesn't actually say how to go about configuring it from
scratch. Perhaps I have made a fundamental mistake somewhere.
Testing scenario 2
I have not as yet done this but the mechanism will be the same, except that
the controller will mirror and not lsm. However, an lsm volume with advfs
will be created still. Will DECevent be able to monitor the controller
mirror failure when it cant monitor a single disk failure?
Am I expecting too much from DECevent?
Any advise is appreciated.
Regards - Tony
Received on Tue Mar 30 1999 - 16:37:07 NZST